I appreciate almost any link
you'd like to put in to this site. I do not, however, appreciate
links that bypass the main page and go directly to the town
pages. I've put a lot of work into this site as a resource and
get annoyed at folks using my material to make money. My policy
on linking will sound somewhat bitter. It is the result of several
years of dealing with unscrupulous webmasters.
I will do my best to break any link directly to the town
pages that I find.
That being said, here is some code you can copy and paste
into your page to speed the creation of a link to this site:
<A HREF="http://www.azghosttowns.com">The Ghost Town of the
On a page, it looks like : The Ghost Town of the
If you'd like a fancier link, please use one of these graphics:
Static Gif - 468 x 60 - 10 kb |
Static Gif - 468 x 60 - 4 kb |
Animated Gif - 468 x 60 - 9 kb |
Thank you very much for linking to my site and for taking
the time to read this.